Bedroom Ideas

Bedroom Ideas

Bedroom colour schemes should fulfill two objectives. First, they should promote a restful, tranquil environment for winding down to sleep.

Second, and unlike communal living room colour combinations, the colours you invite into the private space of your bedroom should intimately reflect your personal style.

Of course, restful bedroom colour schemes differ depending on taste. Some find darker colours soothing while others prefer a light, airy space for dispelling the cares of the day.

On that account, we’ve chosen contemporary bedroom colour ideas from both ends of the spectrum to showcase the power of coloured furniture when crafting a serene, comforting space.

Need coloured furniture inspiration?

If it’s time to update your home colour but you are unsure what interior colour trends will suit you and your space, visit us in store. We will take you through our ranges of furniture and customization options to spark your imagination. You can also discover our complete ranges of coloured furniture online.

Tips to Improve Your Sleep Quality

It’s not unusual to have trouble sleeping when the seasons change. But there are many reasons you may be experiencing poor or broken sleep – and, luckily, some of these can be easily solved. In honour of National Bed Month, we’ve put together some possible solutions to your sleep troubles.

It maybe too warm or cold at night.

Extra Layers

Layering bedclothes is a great way to manage your temperature. Add or peel off layers as required. Keep your extra bedclothes in a blanket box or on top of the wardrobe so they are accessible but out of the way.

Seasonal Mattresses

Some mattresses are seasonal turn, meaning that the two sides have different fillings to suit the time of year. When it gets too warm, simply flip the seasonal mattress to the cooler side for a better night’s sleep. When it’s cold, change to the warmer side.

Mattress Toppers

A mattress topper adds an extra layer of comfort to your bed. Choose thick, cosy fillings to keep you warm during the winter. When summer comes, simply remove it and put it away.

When you feel uncomfortable in bed?

Rotate or turn your mattress

Some mattresses need to be rotated or turned regularly. Otherwise they will become less supportive over time, resulting pain, discomfort and a restless night’s sleep. Turning or rotating your mattress boosts the longevity of the mattress, meaning that it will be comfortable for longer.


If your neck and spine are not correctly aligned, pressure points can develop, causing neck pain. Avoid using too few or too many pillows so that your head is in line with your body when you sleep. You may want to consider memory foam pillows, which can help to alleviate pressure.

Change your mattress

While flipping and rotating mattresses extends their lifespan, there comes a point where a mattress is simply not fit for purpose anymore. In this case, it’s time to purchase a new mattress. At Lee Longlands, you can buy a mattress by itself to suit your existing bed frame or divan, or a mattress and divan set. Some divan bases have springs to give additional support.

It’s also possible that your mattress is not compatible with your comfort level or sleeping position. Mattresses come in different types, spring counts and tension levels, so a more suitable alternative will rapidly improve the quality of your sleep and reduce unwanted aches and pains.

Memory foam mattresses alleviate pressure points by offering full body support, while pocket sprung mattresses use individual springs to support your body weight.

Firm mattresses are better for stomach sleepers, while soft mattresses are better for side sleepers. Back sleepers generally benefit from a medium to firm mattress.

Each mattress is different, and sleep is a crucial part of our lives to ensure wellbeing. We would therefore recommend visiting us in the showroom or chatting to one of our sales experts online to find the best option for you.

Need to unwind in the evening?

Switch it off

With technology being such a big part of our lives, it’s not surprising that it’s one of the things keeping us up at night. Screens on devices such as phones, tablets and computers emit blue light which prevents our bodies from producing melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. As such, using screens too close to bedtime can prevent us from falling asleep.

In addition, more of us are working from home than ever before. Because of this, it’s hard to separate our work life from our home life, and we may find ourselves thinking about work issues long after we’ve clocked out.

In the evenings, switch off devices at a set time and leave them in another room so you won’t be tempted to use them. A phone or tablet can easily be hidden in a drawer in a bedside table, console table or side table. Laptops should be zipped away in a laptop bag or left in a dedicated workspace such as a home office. When you close the door to your office at the end of the workday, avoid going back in for the rest of the night so you can divide your workday from your free time. To create or modify your home office, view our collection of home office furniture.

Dim the lights

Leaving lights on late in the evening can also interfere with your sleep. That’s why it’s better to use softer, dimmer lighting before going to bed. Rather than turning on the main lights, consider using wall lights, floor lamps or table lamps. That way you have enough light to see by, but not enough to wake you up.